Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I don't like heights. For me, to get up on the garage roof and do the whole DIY thing takes a lot of bottle. Not made any easier by ancient fibre glass panels that love to crack and give way unexpectedly; I had to make sure I was on one of the metal spars the whole time. 

And of course at my age - did you know I am going to be sixty next year? - it is just bloody exhausting, cutting loads of new roof panels to size, hauling them up the ladder and laying them over the old roof. I was going to take the old one off but actually I couldn't see the point; it's only a garage and the new one sits on top of the old quite happily.

I just need to do the boring job of fixing them  ... but have bought myself some decent pads to save my knees with that one. 

As for the rest ... deja vu. Poor old TSM throwing up all over the place and going weak at the knees just like last Saturday. We've decided she is allergic to VeganEgg, which is an algae based egg replacement product and which clearly doesn't agree with her.

Just having a beer then hitting the sack early ... another wild Saturday night ...

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