My hedge is about .......

....... 18 inches long and soo untidy ---

So, 7.30am found me outside doing as best I could to tidy it up. I dare not get on steps so the top is just reaching to the sky.
I had a break to pop to Waitrose and another for the women's finals, a disappointment for Venus but she really looked done - in I'm sure she wasn't well. That Sjögren's syndrome is an awful thing well worth a read ! I finally finished the hedge ( after a fashion ) at 6.40pm had a shower now catching up on the tennis doubles match. I think these are fun to watch.
Our weather in the south east seems to have held and a reasonable temperature too.

Thankful ..... for a cold shower for my poor aching back tonight. Still as "A " has to go home at night tomorrow as he has a funeral to attend on Monday and he had an appointment in London on Thursday I just had to get on with it. Glad I was able to do it today.

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