After Midnight

Roedden ni'n paratoi i fynd i fwrdd am wythnos, ac fel y peth olaf yn y nos, roedd Nor'dzin yn bwydo ei physgod. Tynnais i lun ohoni hi ar un funud ar ôl hanner nos, cyn aethon ni i wely. Y dydd nesa, aethon ni i Swydd Amwythig. Tynnais i luniau o'r maes a phebyll yna, ond, yn anffodus, collais i'r lluniau i gyd tra ceisio trefnu nhw.  Roeddwn i'n lwcus i gael llun o Nor'dzin a'r pysgod i wneud fy Blip am y diwrnod.

We were preparing to go away for a week, and as the last thing at night, it Nor'dzin was feeding her fish. I took a photo of her at one minute past midnight, before we went to bed. The next day, we went to Shropshire. I took pictures of the field and tents there, but, unfortunately, I lost all the pictures while trying to organise them. I was lucky to have a picture of Nor'dzin and the fish to make my Blip for the day

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