On the wire

Back blipping day 3

Woke up to a beautiful day on Uist and sat outside with my tea and breakfast watching the view across the loch. The short eared owls were out hunting across the croft until they spotted a Sea Eagle perched opposite on a rock which they mobbed for a while before giving up. Their place was taken by a Hen Harrier which managed to chase the eagle off to another croft.

Went wandering in the machair and took loads of shots of flowers and these starlings.

Off for lunch further north and a great blip meet with Snapper and Treshnish where we walked on the beach then off to a fantastic croft woodland. Lovely guided tour from Snapper.

In the evening Snapper and ourselves had a barbecue in the sun with steak and roast duck and loads of wine. A late night for KK and a top day for us.

In extras a couple of the photos taken during our morning walk. No photos of the barbecue luckily!

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