
Danny's fixed my laptop! What a star he is! It means I've been able to get onto Lightroom, but it is SO beyond me & my lack of skill...I've been trying to remove a shadow from under Luci's nose (see extra), but canNOT get it looking natural. Arghhhh! Should've had something under her to reflect the light, but there you go. 
Asha was off to a friends for the afternoon, so Danny & I treated ourselves to some sushi for lunch! Well, we are almost at the weekend...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny taking the time & effort to sort my laptop out.
2) Asha came home having made some typical Ethiopian 'honey bread' (it was delicious) and some colourful jewellery. D-Nens also put a facebook album up of photos from each day & a resumé of what they'd learnt - I love that you get a little extra insight...
3) Gorgeous giggly Nate - he loves having raspberries blown on the soles of his feet.

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