In My Life...

By steeble

Finishing Touches

Went along the market near our hotel, the people were a lot more pushy and in your face, the shops were all replicas of each other... Apart from two of them.

One was an antique shop which was great. Nothing had been restored, but everything had so much character. We actually called back the following night to have another look. There were some old Egyptian coins which I was interested in but one was around £500.

The other was what you see in this picture. Now there was a lot of stalls selling these pictures but this one had the man painting the pictures in front of you. Me being me...

'can I have a go?...... Rachel, take a picture!'

So this is me, painting a palm tree on a picture which will eventually end up in someone's house on a wall.

Also the first blip that you can actually see me.... Covered by my fringe. I'll upload a stop portrait soon.... A proper one. :-)

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