The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Shiny and new...

Check out my car! Jamie washed and polished it for me today whilst I was at awesome does it look! It hurt me to drive it home and gets bugs on the front but I have strict instructions to brush them off each day...blimey, I never knew having a nice car would involve extra work!!

It was blinking cold this morning when we went out, still pitch black throughout the walk. I spied the new orange ball glowing on the kerbside as we walked back to the cottage but I didn't pick it up until this evening...didn't want Pip to be distracted by it! Gym was good, physio was fab and he clunked and clicked me into place and gave me three new exercises. School was normal. Busy.

After our late meeting I got my car from Claire's house and came home...walk, dinner, then started hunting for my rucksack to loan to a colleague at work. Went into Q's old bedroom and came face to face with a mouse! I nearly died! I had an inkling one was in there but I didn't expect to see it so closely. I took Lottie and Pip up and put them in there to see if they could get to it but they didn't even pick up the scent! Rubbish! So tomorrow I need a new mouse trap and a plan. I also went in the loft and got totally freaked out by all the spiders webs. All those jobs can wait until you get home next month!!!!

Hope you feel a bit better when you wake up. Please see a doc and get some proper medication, not self medication. I do worry about you.

Ooh, and Tara and Stu had a baby boy!! Happy days!

And having just briefly spoken to you on FT you HAVE TO SEE A DOCTOR TOMORROW or I will pummel you with my tiny fists. Please!

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