Sitting Out

A lovely day! I went over to have a natter at the boatyard and was away half the day, ferrying people about, fishing for a detached keel with a magnet, and fixing my winch. After that, there was time to sit in the sun before we went to .... the residents association! Apparently it’s not been active for a while, but someone produced a constitution and an agenda and sausage rolls were passed around. What big issues excite the residents, you may well ask. In no particular order, rats, speeding cars, cycling on the pavement, cars going too fast, cars parked on the pavement, cars not observing the 20mph limit... oh and rats.
Eventually I made my speedy getaway ... like a furry thing leaving a foundering ship, as it was a Wednesday and old chums had to be caroused with - Gordy, AJ and MrT. We hear Frank is away cycling for three weeks. This is worrying news for our annual cycling trip. I'll insist on a 20mph limit.

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