Zoe is back at Big Hill.
Today we finally got to bury our sweet Zoe .... because the ground was too hard and frozen when she died, the vet kept her in their deep freeze! So i collected her this afternoon. Richard and Terry dug the hole and another friend of ours, John, joined us this evening as we buried her and said good bye!
There is traditional farewell ceremony for pets belong to my family.....when Morgan and Bronwyn were about 3 years old our cat Sorren died! We buried her on our land and at the graveside i said a teary farewell, and asked the twins if they would like to say something! They exchanged what i can only describe as a rather devilish look....and in unison they said "Good Bye Poopy Head' - much to my amazement! but they were after all only 3 years old! Fast forward to when they were about 15-16 and our beloved Holly died....we marched her down the hill, in the wheelbarrow (also Zoe's chariot) .....lowered her into the grave...where upon all 3 of us looked at each other and said "Good bye Poopy Head" and we smiled as we remembered her. So today, i told everyone this story....and after we lowered Zoe into the hole...we all said.....yes...you got it!!!!
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