
By Mindseye

Rich Pickings

Today has been a leisurely sort of day, nothing much planned.

We walked into town, got a newspaper, one or two bits we needed, had a coffee in Reds, wandered back......made a roast ham, cucumber with mustard mayo sandwich for lunch, then sat down to watch Johanna play Venus......not quite the outcome we all hoped for sadly :-(

Done two loads of washing today, not that I dragged it down to the river and beat it with a big stick you understand, good drying day too!

Hubs been busy picking thr fruits of his labours, literally, out in the garden this afternoon, so I thought I'd blip the proof :-)

I sense a few fruit crumbles and maybe some jam to come.....best get busy with that tomorrow! The blueberries are ripening nicely, if the blackbirds dont manage to get through the netting that is!

We are off out early tonight, for a meal, pre quizzing.....likely chinese me thinks :-)

Best bring the washing in now before I forget, catch you all later......I am slowly but surely catching up with my commenting :-)

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