Caterpillar Crown

Had playgroup end of year assembly today - they've been doing about minibeasts - so sang a selection of songs about caterpillars/spiders etc. All with these crowns on that they'd made this week. Zion spent the whole time holding Jane's hand (lady who runs playgroup) because he'd been in tears when I left him to go sit with the parents because he was scared of singing in front of everyone - so Jane told him she found it scary too (she does!) so would he hold her hand so they could help each other be brave?

Then Donald gave a talk on fear and God holding our hand - with a picture of a spider and how all his grown sons are scared of them - to fit the mini beast theme. Followed by presents and a report for each kid (complete with photos of them throughout the term) and a shared lunch. Very well organised! And very cute!

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