Establishing rules

Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, has come to stay for two and a half weeks. We've had three days of fun together so I thought it was about time I let all you 'Blippers' know how well we're getting on together.

Even though I love Ozzy lots I want to be 'top dog' all the time. Ann says there's got to be 'give and take in a relationship' so she's established some rules for us.

1 Each of us has our own bed, which is our own private space. My bed is in the kitchen area and Ozzy has his in the living room. We're close to each other but we can't see each other. Apparently that's so that I can't lie in bed staring at Ozzy and giving him the 'evils'. We are not allowed to go into each other's bed unless we're invited. My bed isn't big enough for two and so far Ozzy hasn't invited me into his! ...............................Honestly, it's the 21st century - does he not fancy me anymore?!

2 Meal times - When Ozzy has stayed in the past I have had to be shut out of the room when Ozzy has his meals because I have a bit of a 'possessive eating disorder'. Ann has devised a new rule for us. When it's feeding time we both have to go into our beds and then we both get fed at the same time. Whoever finishes first is not allowed to leave the table their bed until the other dog is finished. Well, that's only politeness isn't it? Ann is really, really pleased with the way I am coping with this rule.

3 When Ann goes out without us, we both have to go into our beds and then she gives us two biscuits each. Ozzy gets his biscuits first - apparently I have to learn that there are plenty of treats for us both. The first time she did this I refused to stay in my bed. I ran straight to Ozzy and snarled at him. That resulted in me not getting any treats. Now I know that if I stay in my bed while Ann is saying goodbye to Ozzy I'll get my biscuits when she says goodbye to me. .........................I also get two choccie drops but don't tell Ozzy.

4 Doorways - I have a bit of a problem with doorways. Eg, I always want to go out and come in before Ozzy. In the past I've intimidated him so much that he doesn't want to go in or out when I'm around. Now we have a new rule. I get to go out the front door first when we go for our walk and when we come home Ozzy gets to go into the house first. I like that rule. I just sit sensibly outside the front door and let Ozzy go into the house first. What he doesn't know is; I get loads of cuddles once he's gone into the house and Ann tells me what a good girl I am for waiting.

5 Just before bedtime we go out for a wee in the field then we come home and have a dental stick and get groomed. Ozzy eats his dental stick in bed and I have mine while I'm being groomed. Then I go to bed and Ozzy gets groomed. Funnily enough I've not had a problem with that rule - probably because I know that once I've been groomed it's bedtime and nothing else exciting is going to happen?!

So who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Ann is soooooo proud of the way that I have embraced all the above rules. I'm loving having Ozzy to stay. And I've still got two weeks to persuade him to sleep with me. YAY!

PS - Ann says if any of you want the desk in this blip and are prepared to come and pick it up and take it away; it's all yours.

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