Which Bum is your favourite?

Good! Now you've picked your bum, wash your hands and join me in enjoying my birthday cake.

Today's Birthdays:

1867 - Arthur Rackham, England, artist/illustrator.
1909 - Ferry Porsche, Austrian automobile pioneer.
1948 - Jeremy Irons, Isle of Wight, England, actor.
1949 - Twiggy Lawson, [Leslie Hornby], England, model/actress.
1963 - Jarvis Cocker, English musician.
19?? Happy Birthdayeuniceclare x x
19?? Me!

My year ahead: (Horrorscope)

New connections and a more forward-looking, open attitude towards others figure strongly in the year ahead. Socially, you are willing to take some risks, and this helps to open up more opportunities to make happier connections. Your tastes this year are also a little more unusual and varied. However, your love life may be a bit of a rollercoaster ride this year. Watch for impulsiveness in love and with money
New connections and a more forward-looking, open attitude towards others figure strongly in the year ahead. However, your love life may be a bit of a rollercoaster ride this year. Watch for impulsiveness in love and with money. You are energetic and full of initiative this year.

Birthday card courtesy of my brother!

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