
By Nettenet

Chiswick House & Garden

Today T, ex colleague, and I decided to use our newly acquired English Heritage cards. As the weather forecast wasn't good we thought we would visit Chiswick house, a first for both of us. It wasn't raining when we arrived so we made the decision to walk around the gardens, have tea and then visit the house. Perfect decision as it poured down while we were in the house. A lovely few hours although we were both not too impressed with the house.

Back home, something had 'died' in the fridge and smelled vile so, with Sims help, we emptied and cleaned the fridge. I think it was some chicken. Then used my new hoover. Had a game of scrabble with Sim. Cooked dinner. Natalie helped me colour my hair. Time for bed.

Collage in extras.

P.s lots of rain today, it's been a while.

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