July Garden

A dull chilly day, but with only a few spots of rain, so managed to get a washing half dry.  A trip to the supermarket was the sum total of my outings today, so it was another stroll round the garden to see what had appeared while we were away.

Top left here is Crocosmia "Lucifer", centre is Leucanthemum "Wirral Supreme" , top right is Monarda "Gardenview Scarlet" (with leaves that smell of Bergamot) and bottom is my multi-coloured Hebe.  The Ladybird Poppies are also doing well with several new blooms and the pots are blooming away merrily, so the weather obviously suited them.  Lots of white Waterlilies on the pond too, but no sign of the pink or yellow ones we put in there last year.  Wonder if they've been eaten by something?

Even the Buddleia has new flowers coming out and hope we might yet see some butterflies.  They all seem so late this year up here.

On the medical front, the one painkiller I took last night seemed to help a bit, but I plan to take two tonight and hope they will knock me right out:-)  Nothing planned for tomorrow, so it won't matter if I'm a bit groggy!

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