Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


Went fruit picking with my gorgeous grandchildren yesterday.  It would be more accurate to say that I picked whilst the others ate.  Young Max devoured his faster that we could put them in his basket - he should have been weighed before and after at the pay station, they would have got a better price.  The twins seemed more interested in wearing theirs, examining them and mushing them between their fingers.  The grown ups discreetly snaffled the odd succulent raspberry or plumptious strawberry. 

Rasps and strawberries were the most popular choices but I was drawn to the new potatoes and peas.  We picked some Carrera new potatoes there last year and they were so good we came back for more and more so yesterday we picked about three weeks supply, keep them any longer and they lose their flavour (we were told).  I can wait for tonight's dinner; streaky smoked bacon, fresh new peas and potatoes and sweetcorn.

Four of my five a day?

Oh and lashings of Lurpak.  That makes it all five doesn't it?

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