Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Bb and Hannah Emma

A hectic morning in Edinburgh, resulting in our leaving for Kirkcaldy much later than planned, but not before popping in to have a coffee and catch up (who mentioned biscuits?) with Lady Findhorn and HL.

Afternoon spent in our niece Sarah's flat in Kirkcaldy, where we met this wee treasure for the first time: Hannah Emma, our great niece and busboy's third grand-child. She's beautiful and very calm and content and sleeps very well and eats well. Lovely to see Sarah and Martin again (last time was in November last year at their wedding) and of course Michael and Katie too. They're obviously very proud of their baby sister and rightly so! Very nice to see them all settled into their lovely new flat too, to which we hadn't managed to squeeze in a visit when we were back for their wedding.

Be and I then headed off to Crail with my brother busboy and his friend purpleperson for fish and chips in the fish tea room there. As excellent as always and well worth the wait since we were last here in July 2015!

Now settled into our bed and breakfast in Kirlcaldy.

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