
By europhoric

Day of rest/eating

Today has been a fairly quiet day because schools in France close on Wednesdays, so here's a picture of one of Montluçon's many chocolateries. I bought a few little choccies from here for our mid-morning snack, and it goes without saying that they were incredibly yummy.

Seeing as we both had a day off, Minda (my flatmate) and I went into town for some lunch. We ended up at "Les Années Folles" - which translates to "The Crazy Years." It's a nice little restaurant on a corner in the town centre, and it serves fairly standard French grub for a reasonable price. We sat outside and enjoyed a lazy lunch, accompanied by a delicious Cote de Rhone red wine.

I had a creamy seafood dish for my main - shrimp and scallops in a parsley sauce with a side of gratin dauphiniose - and profiteroles for dessert. I'm going to get so fat here... Minda had a salad, which was topped with Le Chevre cheese to completely nullify its potential healthiness, and she finished with the profiteroles too. We chatted about a lot of things, including how the superior Finnish education system crushes puny French schools in every possible way (which is probably fairly true). I neglected to mention how similar French schools seemed to British ones. Hmm.

The rest of the day is just preparation for school tomorrow, so I'm writing the blog now before I sit down to make worksheets and download Mr. Bean videos. I hope you're all still enjoying my daily updates!

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