Local colour
A day that veered between a calm sense that I could get everything done, and a gripping panic that I'd miss the flight. CarbBoy, after last night's late night, slept in, so bunny delivery to the kennels was delayed.
So we showed up with about 1.8 kilos of rabbit and (I'm really not exaggerating) a saloon car full of their accoutrements. The folk at the kennel were very indulgent of our instructions and requests, but summed up the essentials as "so, unlimited hay and water; food three times a day".
Tears on the way out from CarbBoy, regardless of their obvious competence and the rabbits' obvious comfort in their new environment. It's been an emotional week.
Last minute packing, then off to the airport. Slightly odd flight, with the stewards insisting that everyone in the front row put their bags under their seat - inconvenient for those in row 2 (us). Regardless, we made it to Manchester, met up with Mr B and LobsterGirl (sunburn - ouch) and off in a ridiculously bigger than I requested hire car to my brothers and... relax.
Tea, chilli, wine, daft telly and chat. A very fine evening.
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