Turtle on a Log

The owls were back bright and early this morning. I of course, took some more photos but thought that you might be tired of owl shots so...Here's a Chicken Turtle, I swear that's what they're called! We were kayaking the Silver River this morning and saw lot's of turtles, as usual. We also saw an Anhinga nest with mom feeding 4 chicks! And we saw an Otter. It poked it's sweet little head up out of the water right in front of the kayak, as if to see just who was interrupting it's hunt. Sadly I only had my phone as camera with me. I'm still a little nervous about taking my Canon and Best Ever Long  Lens with me on the water...maybe next time!  *extras*...another Chicken Turtle on a Log and a photo giving you some idea of how beautiful the Silver River is! Peace!

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