There and back again

By Mikes

In the wars again !

Jinxy has been to see Sam at Sidmouth today, where he has his makeovers. Even after several years seeing her he still gets all up tight about it.  After lunch we picked him up to go home and stopped at Trinity Hill to let him stretch his legs. As Mrs M opened the back door he jumped past her and landed heavily on his right shoulder and was obviously injured  and unable to walk properly. We drove him straight to our Vet at Axminster where  still in the boot,  he was seen by a veterinary  nurse and a vet..
The prognosis was that he had damaged his shoulder in some way and it was decided to give him a strong pain killer that would put him out for the night and see how he was in the morning.  So he is fast asleep on a sofa in the lounge and we will see how he is in the morning

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