Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

An Annoyance

Why can people not drive, or park for that matter, correctly in supermarket carparks.
Surely the same rules of the road apply in supermarket carparks as they do on the road or any other carpark?

This *really* gets my goat!
When you reach a junction in a supermarket carpark aren't you supposed to wait and LOOK before pulling out?
When you see a pedestrian crossing in a supermarket carpark aren't you supposed to STOP and let people cross?
And I don't think I've ever seem a 2 lane junction in the middle of a supermarket carpark so why on earth did the numpty I was behind last week decide to pull out of a junction on the WRONG side of the road?

And just because you have a big (insert swear word) car, it doesn't mean you can park like THAT!

Especially when it means that I'll have to reverse out of my space rather than the nice simple straight drive out of my space that I planned!

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