Amongst the changes we are engaged in at present is the conversion of the room that has been my work place and study for 20 years into a bedroom. My work will now (or soon) be done in a new space we are creating.
I am a creature of work habit. I like to write surrounded by my papers and books (usually far too many of both) and it is all going to be a bit of an upheaval. Those who know me will also know that it takes me a wee bit of time to adapt to such a process !
Anyway I have been wakening up each day recently with the task bubbling away in my mind and although I have cleared a few drawers today I thought I had to do something to get properly started.
Some books have now been moved (there are rather a lot of them) and I also cleared a few shelves of the memorabilia of ages: photographs of friends and distant relatives, souvenirs of ministerial overseas visits, old rosettes - and much more. Some are in this box , which will sit around until I know whether I have shelves enough in the new spot to put some of it out again.
I had taken Friday and Monday at home to get on with this sort of thing but I actually spent much of today answering emails and taking phone calls about Brexit related matters. And that is even more uncertain than the fate of my familiar things....
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