A little love-in

This morning Hubby went into town & fetched the 'alternative' TV table for Mum ...... we then assembled it at home ...... just in case. Thankfully all went well & it looked lovely.

We took it to Mum's this afternoon ...... she thought it looked great ..... so the TV is now set up so she can watch Andy Murray!

She was having a 'bit of a day'! She had managed to tip over a bowl of water ....... luckily in the wetroom ..... but had soaked her slippers! She then decided to empty the bin & the bag split & it emptied all over the floor ..... so she had that to clean up! Good thing she can laugh about it all :-)

We left Mum's late afternoon & managed to fit in an hour's walk at Westgate Woods ........ just the ticket!

We spotted these Six-spot Burnet moths indulging in a little 'hanky panky' ........ they we so engrossed they never batted an eye while I took some photos! We also saw Large White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown & there were lots of Little Skippers ..... they were everywhere & this one was good enough to pose for me :-)

Extra: A bit of a 'bum shot' ........ my first photo of a Dragonfly in flight ..... but it was facing the wrong way! Still chuffed I managed to get it though!

Sorry ...... I won't have time to catch up with you all today ....... hope to do so in the next day or so ...... please bear with me!

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