Country File

By marypot

A little Friday me time. Just a little.

For two or three hours every Friday afternoon, I get my weekly 'Me Time'. While Hubby is at work and Grace is napping, I get to hog the sofa, drink a hot cuppa, stuff my face with chocolates and watch something frivolous and girly on TV. This week I needed this time more than ever, so when two o'clock came, Grace was tucked up in her cot and I was all ready with my cuppa and choccies, as you can see. I settled down to watch an old favourite movie on DVD and take my mind off things. Of course this is the one afternoon that Grace decided to wake up after 45 minutes instead of me having to go wake her at half four like I usually do. I don't mind playing with Gracie at all, in fact I love it, but having switched from DVD to TV when Gracie came downstairs, instead of watching Drew and Adam get smoochy in the 80s, I am presently being subjected to an horrific kids' show entitled 'Booby and Booba', in which they are extolling the virtues of 'booby band-aids'. And so I must bring this blip entry to a swift close and reach for the off switch...

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