this is a truly amazing sight. not beefy in his jammies, but our shed cleared of crap (I know it probably looks like there's still lots of crap there, but everything left is essential). look at the space! beefy is now chainsawing his way through the mountains of wood, sorting it into turning and burning piles - how have we managed without a chainsaw until now? we're sorted for firewood for the winter anyway.

I went for the first run in 19 days today. shouldn't have left it that long, but I've been busy. anyway, my half marathon training started today and I felt it too. my knee and hip complained heartily, but they'll just have to get used to it. it was a slow 7.2 miles (1 hour 17 minutes) and was a bit hard but I realised how much I've missed it, mentally and physically.

then home to do some cutting and sanding.

beth has been pissed off about working so much (and boys) for the past few days so me and peggy baked her a big chocolate cake. the best we've ever made, so good. I *think* she appreciated it, hard to say though.

we watched stand by me with peggy, who really loved it. aw...

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