Scottish Pub

The Cask and Barrel is just around the block from our Edinburgh flat and we've just crossed its threshold after ten hours of flat inspection, carpet buying, flame-effect gas fire prospecting (which included a lunch on the hoof in a café frequented by Harley Davidson and Indian riders), futile attempts at roller blind acquisition, poor driving on my part that led us to first nearly Livingstone and then almost cross the Forth Road Bridge before reaching IKEA for a re-kitting out of the flat with some essential items before unpacking them all into the flat itself along with a chucking out of other things that were past their sell buy date and a final survey of what walls need painting and what areas need their vinyl flooring replaced. Needless to say we are exhausted and in need of Swanney Brewery IPA from Orkney to bolster us before a rush to the local Indian or Italian just before shutting time for a bhoona or pasta.

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