Castle Concert

Great Day. Didn't work the concert this year. I've been working it since 1998 or 99, the last 8 of them with Pat as we ran the Information tent. So, we decided that as we never actually got to see the concert from the tent, this year we would give someonelse a turn, and come as normal visitors!

Pat did the food, I did the drinks, there was way too much of both! We had a lovely spot, thanks to Pat's early start and set up for us and we both discovered why people come back year after year. It was amazing from the other side!

The photo I chose is from the Spitfire fly over at sunset, which epwas emotional. There are other photos on my Facebook page for any interested regular readers. I did cry at Nimrod, the music my dad chose to have as he was cremated, and subsequently my sister, and then Mum. My brother and I will too.

Cheered back up with the Patriot Girls singalong! Pomp and Circumstance with fireworks, Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory, all fabulous and of course, the finale of the 1812 overture with fireworks.

A wonderful evening.

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