Stand Off!

Dear Diary,

Neither one was backing down.  Hoover would mock charge and Blue Boy would leap up and then immediately reverse the roles.  Back and forth, it was quite amusing to watch.  Finally, they each took a bowl and had breakfast!  So much for the show of force!

For the most part, action at the seed bowl has entered its summer slow season.  Gaylord is off in the woods gathering and burying acorns and Rudy and Rosamond make infrequent appearances now.  Mainly it is Philomena and Hoover that clean out the bowls each day, with occasional help from Blue Boy.  My little ones know there is food there when they want it but are content to forage for themselves.

I have started on my own scrapbook now, the last step in archiving old photographs.  What to keep, what to throw interesting dilemma.  I keep thinking about my genealogical work over the last  nearly five years.  I think about how nice it would have been to have people's personal papers, how much clearer the picture of their lives would have been.  Well, I will put it all together and then my descendants will decide their fate.

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