Another day.......Another Hairstreak!

This time the Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus. 
 The Purple Hairstreak is the commonest member of the Hairstreak family in the UK, found throughout the south in the plentiful oak woodland as the scientific name 'Quercus' suggests. Despite being plentiful in this area, this is the first time I have ever managed to get any photographs of one as they have a habit of flying high up in the canopy, living most of their lives feeding on honeydew and I have seen them before high up in the tree having aerial 'dog fights' with the mighty Purple emperor!
If you are lucky, some individuals come down the tree to bask in the sunshine at lower levels, although neither of the two specimens I saw today were basking, they were both nectaring on the numerous bramble bushes, which is rather odd.

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