I had 'plans' for today but did not fulfil them. I had one of these days when I frittered time. Did some emailing from my bed and then had a 3 way Skype with KL and Juba. #1 son is bored and Olivia was playing planes while trying to suffocate her sister and strangle her mother. Hung out the washing and then went virtual 'shopping'. I would have been quicker going to the shops which I eventually had to do as the new camera, newly charged, and for which I was doing all the shopping, had a fault. That meant a trip to JL to get a new one. Ah well, the best laid plans.
By the time I got home the wind had died down and it was a beautiful evening. The garden waste is still here 2 days after the collection day. I cut down some overhanging branches with my new secateurs. Then it was supper and wine in the garden followed by 'A United Kingdom'.
The sunset was lovely but earlier and lowly heading away from the NNW.
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