Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Knockin' on Hollow's Door

Forget Hollywood, rock'n'roll is where it's at this week.

After years of exposure though close friends (whose music tastes are far superior to mine) I have only embraced the need for Bob Dylan in my life in the last couple of weeks. I have been listening on the way to school, and the Jnr's have been quite taken with a few tracks. I played a few bars of Blowin' In The Wind to Jnr Jnr and she was insistant about having a go. It was more like Screeching In A Storm.....lessons needed ASAP. Mind you, she sings better than Dylan already :)

Went to the football tonight and just after kick off learnt via a couple of text messages in quick succession that TWO very good friends are expecting with their respective partners. Very happy about this great news. I turned to Jnr Snr and told her that it seems everyone is having babies very soon!!! She looked at me with a slight frown and said, "What?.....You....". Told her not be to be rude, and that I am just comfort eating now I am back at school.

EDIT: one of the expected has been blipped :-D

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