Growing old disgracefully



Our courgettes normally perform so well that our only problem is how to use them up. We have stuffed courgettes, courgettes soups, cheese and courgette muffins, courgette quiche, courgette salad, courgette cake - the only limit is creativity.

However, as soon as a flower appeared this year, so did the rain, which kept the pollinating insects away or rotted the fruit. A few pathetic fingers appeared, but it has been disgusting scrapping the slugs out of them. So when on holiday I was delighted that the owner of our self catering accommodation presented us with a large and perfect specimen. She has a lovely garden and kept plying us with flowers and produce. The courgette came home with us and was stuffed today for our veggie pals who came to lunch. I don't know the variety, but it is yellow, dome shaped with a distinctive flat bottom so it sat beautifully in the casserole dish and tasted lovely with a pecan, corn, cheese, couscous and paprika stuffing. The seeds were a bit ripe, so I scooped them out and am going to dry them and try to grow them next year.

Guests for breakfast, guests for lunch, good talks, warmth, fellowship
Still have students booking for courses starting next week - always think there won't be enough to run the class and always proved wrong
I have a cunning plan for tomorrow

Was scheduled for an early morning swim, but you can't abandon your unexpected overnight guests at breakfast time, can you? Could have done something in the late afternoon, but had a glass of wine with lunch and had to have a wee nap.

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