I see the Sun Coming up Easy.
I killed another plant, but it is experiencing a resurrection .
After Christmas it was looking a bit shonky. It definitely didn't like the Christmas Lights, and it certainly didn't like the fake snow. I don't think it was particularly fussy about the cat taking a fly piss in it either.
I took the fairy lights off. And I dug the fake snow in, so the soil was going to be forever moist and water retaining. (It was the kind of damp snow which is almost real). I put silver paper over the soil so that Bad Kitteh, didn't opt for the easy option. (The hard option is waking me up and shouting at me until I get up). The alternative is using the flipping litter tray!
A couple of weeks later, I realised it was moulting. The leaves were dropping out just like Autumn. When the lovely weather came in March, I took him outside. My thought being, let him sit in the sun for a while, catch some rays, and I would water him completely.
A couple of weeks later, the lovely March heatwave had disappeared and we were back in Winter, and Rog was still outside.
He was completely and utterly dead.
I decided the only course of action was complete massacre.
In June, we massacred him. Chopped him completely back. Apologised profusely, and sat him back in the living room to hopefully recover.
AND LOOK!! Rog is coming back!! He is!!! I am Green-fingered goodess.
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