Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Heart of a Lion

We had torrential rains this morning, followed by sunny skies (and humidity) in the afternoon.  I've honestly never seen more sodden birds than I saw this morning.  Parents can't take the morning off from feeding youngsters just because it's raining, after all.  You can see three soaked birds, barely recognizable, starting HERE with one of the blue jay kids.  Good for a laugh if nothing else.

Later this afternoon, as the sun moved across the garden, I found myself standing only about 6 feet from P-Hummie who was guarding the garden.  He turned his head this way and that, flashing his red gorget with each turn.  I was bedazzled, although the lady hummers seemed more annoyed than enchanted.  Still, it makes for a good blip.  Slight crop and not much else.

Fun fact about hummingbirds...they can't walk or even hop because their legs are too short.  They can perch and fly, that's it.  But, please, don't mention the stubby little legs - they don't like to draw attention...

Thanks for the love on my little assassin in the garden yesterday.  I found another cool bug today (a leaf-footed bug nymph) but it wasn't cooperative when it came to photos.  Another day...  And I also found a Nursery Web Spider in the garden - she was trying her best to catch a bumble bee, but with no success.  She's a rather fearsome looking spider, so I'll spare you a blip...unless she does something really cool and then all bets are off!

I'm off tomorrow morning to check out the venue where I'll be doing the Nature Camp insect presentations next week.  I'm hoping that there will be some good place to "bug" with the kids.

TTFN from the hummies and I...


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