Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Strawberry weather

Wimbledon, sun and strawberries - it must be summer!

Today has been a busy one.  Up to the hosptial this morning to see the physio and then back this afternoon to visit my old gent.  He thought he was coming home today and was very upset because the doctors won't let him.  They have decided the care package he has been left with since government cuts earlier this year is inadequate for his health needs.  How right they are!  It is iniquitous the way we treat our old people.

In between the two trips I messed about with this strawberry.  It seemed a good thing to blip with the heat pounding down and Wimbledon on in the background.  It did, I have to say, look scrummy in colour, but I thought more interesting in mono.  I don't know about you, but to me mono forces the eye to concentrate on structure, which here I think fascinating.

Friday.  Phew!  Have a great weekend, peeps  xx

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