Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Behind Those Walls

This image makes me instantly think of life in South Africa.

I don't mean to run the country down, as it's a beautiful country with a near-perfect climate but living there comes at a cost.

The cost isn't just in a monetary sense, although paying an armed security company to install alarms systems and panic buttons in your home, and the up-keep of a monthly subscription to ensure peace-of-mind that should you have a 'break-in' they'd respond quickly, does cost.

Even then, you end up living like a prisoner within your own home and garden, surrounded by secure electrical fencing, or maybe even razor wire above your 6ft wall, burglar bars on all your windows/doors, even locks on your fridges, which all comes at a price.

Living in an upmarket secure housing estate with it's state-of-the-art security entrance system and manned with armed guards at the entrance and patrolling guards on the estate 24/7, also comes at a price.

Then there is the must-have-aircon you need in your car because you cannot ever risk driving around with open windows feeling the wind blowing in your face in the Summer heat, and don't forget the fitted immobiliser, alarm system and the high price you pay for vehicle insurance if you don't have all extras like a 'anti-high-jack system', 'wheel-lock' or 'gear-lock'.

There is another price you pay, and that's on your health from constantly being worried and living in fear and forever turning your head over your shoulders to see that you are not being followed by someone who wants to stab you or shoot you for your mobile phone, and worrying every time you enter a supermarket that you will be there when they have an armed robbery, or when you stop at an intersection or traffic light that you are going to be 'high-jacked'.

It's no way of life, but the sad part is so many people accept it as 'normal', as they do not know any better and believe that what goes on there happens everywhere, and I agree there is crime in most places but it's not the same violent brutal attacks that happen to innocent people like it does in South Africa.

Every day I hear about more and more murders, innocent people are dying there, and the world has no idea. I wonder where it will end up, many believe like Zimbabwe.

I'm so grateful that I have left that 'life' behind, I still do not feel totally safe and relaxed but that comes with living in fear for so many years, and will take some time but I am learning that I can relax and don't need to constantly look over my shoulder and it feels so good.

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