Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


It's hard to believe now that we had virtually no birds in our garden for 4 or 5 years after we moved in. Getting the goldfinches to appear regular has been great though. Mind you the wee shites cost youa fortune in niger seeds.

No bike today as I took the road bike to the wee man for a service, Back on the hybrid tomorrow (going bareknuckle as well....).

Had Callum down at a local high school tonight for his swimming lesson. I sit in the canteen near a games hall doing zumba. Jeez oh none of them will see dottage without a hearing aid. After trying various rock and metal acts on the iPod to drown it out I resorted to weapons grade Sonic Youth, got the job done....

I wonder if the PFI schools all have shielding to block 3G, works fine in the car park. Probably flog bandwidth to the weans....

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