
I picked a raspberry today from my garden which is a bit weird  when you consider that it is Mid-Winter and past the shortest day. On its own it wouldn't be much of a dessert but there are some of my own blueberries in the freezer so might just combine them. I am surprised the birds hadn't found the raspberry first as the covers are off.

I have no idea who is hosting TT now, or if there is a theme but  suspect it wouldn't have made much of a difference. No time for faffing around this week.

My book is close to the finish, but it needs a good title. I had tentatively called it " Album of Ancestral Photographs" but that doesn't sound right - a bit stuffy,  perhaps. Anyone out there with a good suggestion? This book just covers my paternal side. The maternal photographs are next.

A later edit:  I have just spotted what looked like bloodstains on the carpet. On closer examination, I could see it was one very squashed raspberry. It must have fallen off  when I was putting away my camera gear and (sob) I must have trodden on it.

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