Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Rose Blip Day

This is my first Blip Birthday! Not my 365th posted but a year of photographs, new friends and new camera.
I am still trawling through phones and files to fill the gaps in my journal.

I know I keep banging on about being over fussy with what I post. Maybe its because I'm a Virgo (perfectionist, Haha) first born or just too competitive? Who knows?
Have been sneaking in a few duff shots over the last few days, hope no-one notices!
So today I've gone back to my first blip - rosehips. There's talk of Autumn being later this year and these hips are not as ripe this so maybe its true.
I just remember being so grateful when the ever delightful Molly the Gorgeous Collie commented on it.

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