First & Current

I parked next to a real Mini this afternoon.
The first car I ever owned was 1974, 850cc Mini -- a great wee thing (so was the 1275cc thing with racing fuel system and gear box I got SWMBO).
My current car is a bit bigger and safer - but not as much fun.

There was no long lie this morning despite Bags & Co, being on holiday.....I had to get her car to the garage for 8am and then after getting brought back, take PD for a walk.
Yes PD is back from his holiday with his owner.
So it was back to the usual stuff being photographed .........
Bee on a thistle.
Barbed wire
Rain on leaves
Cow Parsley
An Oriental Poppy (but that is in the garden)

In the afternoon SWMBO had another heart scan to see how things were looking.
Everything is looking great and she has been given the all clear, so we can now start looking for a celebratory holiday later in the year.

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