Pixel H

By PixelH

Tripod, tripod, tripod

Lesson number 2 'Don't Forget Your Tripod For Night Shots', (especially when a) it's frickin freezing out there and b) you don't own a VR lens).

So, I knew I was going to the Ocean Terminal and I knew from experience that you'll get some awesome shots down there what with the boats, the lights and some stunning architecture. However, what I didn't think about was the fact that I didn't have my tripod in the back of the car. Had been using it in the house for previous shots. Oh well. I'll learn.

As it was we went to see "The Day The Earth Stood Still". It's an okay film. Not great. I've had a few days like that myself. Only, on the days that happened to me, Keanu Reeves failed to turn up. Shame. It would have made life a lot more interesting.......

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