Just Another Special Guy

By JustMichael

Industrial Jungle Gym

When I got out of my evening class, I got the idea to be a little spontaneous: I grabbed my camera, jumped into my car and started off, no plan of where to eat dinner, nor of what to photograph. I just drove. The only direction I had was that of the nearest ATM because I wanted to check my balance.

Once I saw this terrifying, messy monstrosity on my right, the next food place was Sonic Drive In. Sounds good to me :P

I love this picture. (which happens to be the IMG_2000 taken on this camera) So many different jumbled elements all throughout the shot, a huge opportunity to play with all the lines, and the distances of the three main objects (walking from Sonic I approached it from the tower side, my eyes could tell that the other structure was large, but through the lens it wasn't as impressive, so I had to put the tower in the background; from there I noticed the barbed wire, something I've always wanted to shoot in the foreground)

Yeah, I had fun playing. This is how I play.

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