accidental awesome

By alexamato

Just got back from the SOLAS Same Sex Marriage Debate that took place in Charlotte Chapel on Rose Street.

My blood is still boiling.

I hope to see this bigotry die out in my lifetime. It's not a matter of agreeing to disagree. There is no middle ground. You either think people of all sexual orientations are of equal value and should have equal rights or you don't. And if you don't then you're a bigot, through and through. Progress will leave you behind and your hate and intolerance will be left in the confines of history.

If the only two excuses against same sex marriage is the "slippery-slope" theory and the "it's always been that way" mentality....then that just shows how moronic and juvenile those people are. They need to stop speaking, and stop breeding.

Really, you think if you allow gays to marry then suddenly people are going to want to marry a goat, or a toaster, or their mother? Seriously? Seriously? Grow up.

Tonight's rant is brought to you by rainbow power.

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