
The first thing that I did this morning, was cleaning the easy to reach parts of my bicycle. The weather looked fine and because our trip of the day would be only until Blackpool, we felt relaxed. The route would be without too many obstructions. Nicely on traffic low rural roads and also along the promenade.In a fierce counter wind, we reached Blackpool, where the lower promenade was closed but the roller coaster still in operation. At our coffee break in a pub, the manager didn't understand why we wanted to go to Blackpool. We don't like fairs and fairground attractions nor do we like loud music in cafes, but we just want to see it. And we already got an impression on our ride on the promenade. Tomorrow we will take a look around and rest a bit.

Most of the time we're offline and I'm sorry to not have time to follow your journals.
On our website, there are some more photos.

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