Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Tintern Abbey

I've been meaning to take some photographs of Tintern Abbey for a while so with Mrs BB working an afternoon shift I headed there to tick it off the list.

The Cistercian Abbey of Tintern is one of the geatest monastic ruins of Wales. It was on teh second Cistercian foundation in Britain, and the first in Wales (founded 9 May 1131 by Walter de Clare (lord of Chepstow)).

It soon prospered thanks to endowments of land in Gwent and Gloucestershire and buildings were added in every century until its dissolution in 1536. However, it was never very large and important and its history was relatively uneventful. It's position well away from the Welsh heartland meant that, unlike Margam, Neath and Llanthony, it suffered little during the medieval period.

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