Bent out of shape
A tediously long night patrolling the house trying to stop the house making banging noises in the wind and keeping my precious exam-eve child awake. Said child, inevitably, slept through the whole storm, disturbed only by nightmares about everything going wrong in her exams.
When the exams eventually rolled around, many things did go wrong - all (bar one equation-related issue) due to bungled administration. At the end, the Head came in and shouted at the kids because a parent had sent her a horrible email (I think that might be me...). Now, I've never run a school, but I feel sure that a (politely worded) enquiry from a parent should provoke a response direct to the parent, not a harangue to a bunch of kids who should be allowed to focus on their exams. Am beyond cross.
In other news, one of the four uprights for my gardening jobs has taken a turn for the worse. This photo is to explain to woodman tomorrow why I need one more piece of wood. And it turns out that the smaller olive tree is too heavy for me, CarbBoy and NeighbourBoy to move. And now my shoulders are punishing me for even attempting that.
Tomorrow, more pacing the house filled with nerves about TallGirl's exams, some frenetic filling in of Lycee forms (if we receive them in time), and the return of Mr B.
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