Ina's Snippets

By ina

Inca Lilies

"Maintaining a complicated life
is a great way to avoid changing it."

~ Elaine St. James ~


Flowers in a vase... best I could do today :) These lilies last very long in a vase considering the heatwave we have at the moment.

Been a busy day... totally forgot about the laundry that I've put in the machine this morning.... only realized after 5pm that I did not hang it out :(

Tomorrow will be a better day :) not so much work to do.

Interesting comment on yesterday's cactus flower. I only saw the questions tonight... will definately go and have a look tomorrow if the flower only last a day! Thanks for asking ;)


"To be a great leader... remember,
when placed in command TAKE CHARGE!

~ General Norman Schwarzkopf ~

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