
By Frontier

Sleeping Dog

Paul Rudder - Herself

Had some time at Starbucks today. Seeing myself 10-14 years ago, you wouldn't catch me dead at one of these. Melbourne is pretty sanctimonious about their coffee culture. Definitely something to be proud about but it starts to get a little tired after a while. It's come to a point of idiotic ridiculousness; ahem, avocado café lattes?

After living in Japan for a while, I stopped giving a shit about what makes a "good coffee", or what it means to have a steak "cooked to perfection" or how it's cut. Seeing people having grown up with completely different backgrounds having no idea about the coffee culture of Melbourne help me realize that nothing actually matters. It's good to learn about it, but it would be interesting to have coffee freshly ground IN Kona, or the Blue Mountains in Jamaica instead of staying nestled in a comfortable but confined ivory tower.

It's always good meeting positive people who inspire you to learn instead of the subconsciously defensive, self righteous armchair "know-alls". It's too bad I love the attention too much to be a quiet achiever.

Dunno, just what's going through my head at the moment. Did a silly "Which Philosphy School are You?" online survey, game thing and I got "Skeptics". Apt but I'm a little doubtful about the result.

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