More reminders in the garden

Dear Diary,

Since I am in that frame of mind, I continue to look at the world around me as a metaphorical landscape, with lots of lessons to be learned.  Minor White once said that you should photograph things not only for what they are but for what else they are.  His work really introduced me to photographic metaphor.

Today, it is the humble day lily.  Mine are just starting to bloom.  They are such joyous flowers, opening up with sun each day, but there is the reminder.  Day lilies, as the name implies, bloom for only one day, one brief but glorious day and they they are gone.

They seize every moment, rain or shine.  We should do the same.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is promised to no one but we still have today.  The day lily reminds us to soak it all in and give it all we have.  Carpe Diem!

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